Thursday, February 25, 2010


Hey lovely people…I have been in the studio for the past couple of weeks.. recording songs of worship and trying to hone my writing skills.. and I have really had such a wonderful time. I’ve been surrounded by great friends and musicians, all who passionately follow Christ and have a commitment to bringing their best in worship…whatever that looks or sounds like in each of us.

During the process, I have been downloading HEAPS of worship recordings, listening and being challenged and inspired, listening to tracks that use strings beautifully in their band mixes….aahhhh, my heart has been so fuelled. But in the midst of it all, I put on Michael W Smiths’ You be Lifted High’.. piano, vocal.. simple, strong, with a melody that soars and lyrics that could have been sung and written by King David. And there I found myself in a tangle of emotion, my spirit crying out for more of Jesus, my soul finding strength, and my body feeling empowered somehow to cry Holy is the Lord Almighty with my life once again.

And such is the power again of bringing an authentic song of the heart to our wonderful Jesus...stripped back, without all the musical reinforcement (even though we all love it and it SO has its place..).. After days and days of intense ‘listening’ to worship, here I was being ministered to THROUGH the song of a worshipping heart, presented as an offering by a man whom Mark and I love dearly and who has been around long enough for his music to bypass trends and soundscapes, and for his unseen life of worship to be tested again and again, and for Michael and Debbie his wife to continue to stand all because of the righteousness of Christ. A beautiful example to us all….

So, as we all go into your rehearsals and services this week, as we spend time fine tuning our musical expressions of what God has done in our lives … make it the PRIORITY to take some time to strip back the sounds, and simply come before Jesus and worship. Lead your teams in moments of holy adoration, play, sing, dance, create….but let the worship rise higher than the art, the craft, the colours that we bring to the table.

Jer 29:13 says, You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with ALL your heart….

Lets seek Him, truly seek Him… to search for, lean into, with all we have to truly SEE Him, I do wonder what awaits us across the earth, as we truly seek, exalt, glory and honour our King… I pray that He would find us trustworthy to carry His plans for this hour…

Love you all and so totally believe in you… Darls

Darlene Zschech is a singer, songwriter (Shout to the Lord), worship leader and speaker, most notably for her involvement in the music from Hillsong Church. In 2004 Darlene and her husband Mark initiated Hope: Rwanda, a global endeavor designed to bring hope to a nation seemingly forgotten since the horrific genocide of 1994. Darlene and Mark live in Sydney with their three daughters, Chloe and Zoe, Amy and son-in-law Andrew. For more info visit

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